Emancipation Day


Emancipation Day

Emancipation Day

The goal of the emancipation day project is to collect and preserve data on the history of emancipation.

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”  

                                                                                                         -- Abraham Lincoln 
Supporters of the Emancipation Project:

1. State Representative Sylvester Patton
    60th District
    Ohio House of Representatives

2. Washington City Schools
    Washington C.H., Ohio

3. Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission
    Washington D.C.

4. National Park Service
    Midwest Region
    Omaha, Nebraska

5. President Lincoln and Soldier's Home National Monument
    National Trust Site
    Washington D.C.

6. The Ohio Historical Society
    Columbus, Ohio

7. The History Channel'sSave Our HistoryProgram
    New York City, New York

History of Ohio Emancipation Day

A.) Ohio celebrated Emancipation Day statewide for years around September 22nd

1.) September 22nd should be the designated date

2.) Would keep with local tradition


B.) Gallipolis, Galia County

1.) Celebrated Emancipation Day since 1860’s

2.) Currently celebrated on September 24th and 25th, 2005

3.) Longest running celebration in Ohio


C.) Rendville, Perry County

1.) Celebrated Emancipation Day since 1880’s (since the town was formed)

2.) Currently celebrated on September 24th, 2005

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