


District, Elementary, Middle, and High School Forms
Throughout the year, there are a number of forms that students are required to have on file. These forms are found by selecting the Forms link on the District page.

These forms have been categorized by District, Elementary, Middle, and High School. One may print the forms, complete them, and return them to the proper building. Instructions have been added for your convenience.

Prepay Student Meal Accounts ONLINE!
Based on suggestions from many parents that they would like to be able to add money to their child's meal account online, we have now added this feature. Parents can add money to a child's meal account online or check the balance on a child's account by using the website. A detailed instruction guide for creating your parent account is available. If you choose to add money to your child's account, you will need a major debit or credit card, or an existing PayPal account. Even if you do not wish to make online payments, creating a parent account will allow you to monitor the balance left in your child's account so that you can know when you need to send in payments and you will be able to view your child's meal purchasing history. When student meal accounts are prepaid, the lunch line moves much faster, giving students more time to eat and less time waiting in line.

ProgressBook Parent Access:
Parents can view their child's grades and assignments with a parent account for ProgressBook. ProgressBook is the online grading package used by all teachers in the district to report grades. Parent ProgressBook accounts remain active and usernames/passwords are the same from year to year, unless your child withdraws.  If you have never received a registration key to activate your child's account, you may contact the building secretary or Central Office. Be sure to include your name, your email address,  your child's name and grade level with your request.

The Education Connection - TEC
This is the district's rapid notification system used for important announcements, emergencies, school delays or closings.  It is VERY important that you keep your child's contact information CURRENT with the building secretaries so that you are reachable. 
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