Attendance Policy

All Day Closure
Washington Court House City Schools are CLOSED on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.  

Attendance Policy


1. Parents/Guardians are allowed to provide up to ten (10) days of excused absences. (Not including medical/legal statements) for their students.

2. As mentioned above, a signed statement by a medical or legal professional will be considered excused.

3. Within the school year, after five (5) unexcused absences, a notice will be sent to the Attendance Officer who will inform the parent either by mail, electronically or by personal contact.

4. After ten (10) days of unexcused absences, a second notice will be sent to the Attendance Officer again. He will make another attempt to inform the parent/guardian either through a meeting, visit or correspondence.

5. After fifteen (15) days of unexcused absences, a third notice will be given to the parent/guardian by the attendance officer, and a formal complaint will be filed in the Fayette County Juvenile Court. 

6. The assigning of a Saturday School (s) may be used with excessive absences. The serving of a Saturday School may result in the changing of an unexcused absence to an excused absence. 

7. The Belle Aire School Administration reserves the right to use discretion and judgement based upon extenuating circumstances and unusual circumstances. 

If your child is absent from school you need to call the school at 740-335-1810 on the the day of his/her absence. Please provide the reason for absence and your child's grade and teacher. A written note or a doctor's excuse should be turned in on the day that your child returns to school stating the reason for his/her absence.

Once your child has accumulated ten absences during the year, a doctor's excuse is required for every absence after the tenth day.

 Students with twenty (20) or more days of absences will be considered for retention.

 If your child is tardy to school, an adult needs to come to the office to sign in the child.

 First bell is at 7:55 a.m., the tardy bell is at 8:10 a.m.

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City Schools.
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