Student Dress Code

All Day Closure
Washington Court House City Schools are CLOSED on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.  

Student Dress Code

The Washington Court House City Schools has announced a revised Dress Code for the Washington Middle School and Washington High School.

Dress, Appearance, and Grooming 

We believe that what a student wears to school can have an effect on behavior and academic success. Therefore, the following school attire guidelines are in place: 

  1. All shirts or dresses must have sleeves. No shoulder straps or cut-off sleeves are allowed. 

  2. NO SKIN or undergarments may be visible through holes in pants that are above acceptable short length. 

  3. Pants must be worn on the hip with no undergarments showing. 

  4. Sweatshirts with hoods, other “hoodies, hats, sweatbands, etc.” may not be worn on the head while at school. 

  5. Shirts must be long enough to be tucked so that no midriff shows.

  6. Clothing that displays profanity, sexual innuendos, promotes or advertises alcohol or other mood altering chemicals may not be worn. 

  7. No sunglasses may be worn (even on the top of the head) at school. 

  8. The administration reserves the right to exclude any attire that is believed to be a distraction or safety risk. 

  9. Special days that deviate from this code such as “Hat Day” or “Spirit Week” themes may be approved by the administration. 

The administration will utilize consequences ranging from a verbal warning to being sent home for the day for failure to abide by this policy. 

A student shall not dress or use jewelry in a fashion deemed inappropriate because it either interferes with the student’s health, welfare, and safety of the health, welfare, and safety of others, or causes disruptions and interferes with the education process. No chains are to be worn which includes wallet chains and chains around the neck, wrist or waist.

Revised, August 2024
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