Message from the Principals


Message from the Principals

Message from the Principals

Welcome to Washington High School, home of the Blue Lions! Since 1875, Washington High School has been proudly serving the community of Washington Court House. From academics to the arts to athletics, the tradition of excellence is alive and well at Washington High School! 

No matter where you are within the building or on campus, there are four expectations that are non-negotiable! Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, and Be Willing. We encourage students to be their best self each and every day. This will ensure that each Blue Lion is working towards improving not only themselves, but the building and our community! 

Remember, today is the most important day of your life, and no matter what happens today you will only control your RESPONSE. E+R=O. Event + Response = Outcome. If we want to have positive outcomes, we have to control our Response!

As always, we are here to serve- and if there is anything we can do to help you out, please contact us! 740-636-4221

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Brady Streitenberger
Scott Landrum 
Louis Reid 

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City Schools.
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