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WHS Students Present at WCHCS BOE Meeting
Washington High School Junior Isaac Hood presenting at the December WCHCS Board of Education meeting
At December’s WCHCS Board of Education meeting, school board members and community members were treated to an update from Washington High School.

Covering topics such as improving communication, building and maintaining a positive culture, and being cognizant of their impact on the community, Principals Mr. Brady Streitenberger and Mr. Scott Landrum, as well as the 6-12 Dean of Students, Mr. Louis Reid led the building-level overview and conversation.  They also discussed the important work being completed through Project Ignite, family engagement, and PBIS.

In addition to the building’s admin team, WHS senior Ade Hines, juniors Isaac Hood, Gretchen Reed, Gabe Perez, and freshman June Maddox provided board members with a student's perspective on the best aspects of Washington High School.  Without any influence, editing, or even prior review by the principals, these Blue Lions were given the opportunity to openly share their experiences and beliefs.

Emphasizing a supportive environment, they praised the positive atmosphere being cultivated by dedicated faculty, supportive staff, and friendly classmates, citing countless instances where teachers have played a pivotal role in both their academic learning and personal wellbeing.  Another significant theme highlighted a notable cultural shift at WHS, encompassing positive changes in policies, an increased academic focus, and the growing sense of community.  The students also expressed gratitude for the diverse offerings of extracurricular activities that have fostered their love for learning and pursuit of individual purpose.

While their stories were diverse, a common thread emerged — each student concurred on the profound and transformative impact Washington High School has had in shaping not only their academic journeys, but also enriching their entire lives.

 “I truly have the best job in the world,” Mr. Streitenberger closed the presentation, “because there’s five here, there’s another 595 at the school, and they’re all amazing.”

“The future is in great hands, I promise you,” said Mr. Streitenberger, “we just have to listen to them.”

WHS Students and Admin Team



Junior Isaac Hood


Mr. Brady Streitenberger, WHS Principal



Senior Ade Hines


Mr. Louis Reid, 6-12 Dean of Students


Junior Gabe Perez


Mr. Scott Landrum, WHS Assistant Principal


Freshman June Maddux